Here at Northern Contracting Group, we deliver synthetic playing fields to a high quality, having a history of pleasing clients such as AFL NSW, FIFIA, Australian Rugby League and Hockey NSW. We use Tiger Turf to complete your project with durable, versatile and high-quality synthetic turf. So, call us for more details.

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One of the most important factors to consider before construction is the composition of the soil that will support the base surface and turf. It is an idea to hire soil specialists to check the grading (using GPS and laser systems), the conditions and composition of the soil, the load-bearing capacity, potential for drainage, shrinkage and swelling properties, along with the soils water content. This can be achieved by boring between 6 to 8 holes into the surface to see what is below. In some cases, this can reveal that the proposed surface is not ready for construction with rebar and construction debris making the surface unstable. Identifying any issues with the ground prior to construction prevents future expenses and delays. 

To ensure the surface is appropriate for use, a base over the soil is made out of either concrete or asphalt. This surface is determined by the properties of the soil that will hold the field and what will allow the playing field to serve its purpose. In choosing the correct base surface drainage, runoff and load bearing capacity are guaranteed, along with protecting the field from future ground movements.

3.    Soil/surface properties

Prior to beginning construction, it is important to understand the climate and weather patterns of the area where the field will be situated. Such factors include rainfall and temperature control.

An irrigation system is necessary to reduce surface heat as synthetic surfaces can generate up to 40% more heat than a natural field. So, it is important to consider the water supply available and if this is enough to facilitate irrigation. Irrigation is also necessary for certain sports such as hockey to give the playing surface its gliding properties. 

If the surface to be converted is outdoor and will experience heavy rainfall, the ground should have a gradient (between 0.8% and 1%) to prevent puddles forming in low areas. It is also important to consider the drainage system to suit a synthetic field and the requirements of the sports that will take place on the surface. Synthetic playing fields have a vertical drainage system that circles the perimeter of the ground acting as a border and drawing all wet patches to the perimeters of the field out of the way of play. It is then topped by 8 inches of stone and screen which the artificial grass is then put on top.

2.    Weather

1.    Purpose and Durability

What to Know Before Constructing a Synthetic Playing Field?

Date: 08/10/2019

Whilst the construction of a synthetic playing field only takes around 3 months, the pre-planning, budgeting, building law fundamentals and the actual building application can take up to 3 years. Here are the 3 key factors that influence this planning stage when constructing a synthetic playing field:

Prior to constructing a synthetic playing field, it is important to know the purpose of the field. This is the determining factor when coming to the decision that a synthetic material is the best fit. Synthetic playing fields are made from synthetic artificial turf and are commonly used on soccer, hockey and rugby fields. Synthetic playing fields are ideal as they do not experience extreme wear-and-tear, meaning they are easy to maintain and are visually appealing year-round.

Synthetic Playing Field Construction by Northern Contracting Group

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